31st ASA Annual General Meeting & Member Sharing Session

Date: 28 April 2023
Time: 3.30pm – 5.00pm
Platform: Mount Faber Peak, The Ballroom

Held at our member attraction’s breathtaking hilltop ballroom at Mount Faber Peak, the 31st ASA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was well-attended by over 50 representatives across 44 attractions and partner organisations.

Chairman Jeya Ayadurai MBE, Vice-Chairman David Lim and Honorary Treasurer Steve Wood reported on the core initiatives by the EXCO and its financial status in its first year of office.   The annual reporting also highlighted EXCO’s intention to review membership definition and categories, as well as ASA constitution for relevancy to keep up with the evolving needs of both association and members in the next few months; before engaging members for concurrence.

Following the AGM was a member sharing with 3 presentations tailored to guide attractions on the slew of WSG programmes that they can tap on for their enterprise transformation, workforce upskilling, hiring and manpower needs.  The knowledge sharing and case study presentations from member attractions, Garden by the Bay and Mandai Wildlife Group helped members to learn how to optimise digital strategies in creating memorable customer experiences, and how they can leverage staff capabilities to innovate their business models and transform their workforce.

1.    Enhancing Service Delivery in the Digital Era by Mr Bryant Kok, Senior Director for Digital Transformation & IT, Gardens by the Bay 
2.    Sharing of Mandai Citizen Developer Programme by Mr Khairulnizam Zulkifle, Senior Manager, People, Group Transformation Office, Mandai Wildlife Group
3.    Sharing of Hiring Insights and WSG Support Programmes by Ms Soh Yi, Manager, Trade & Lifestyle Division, Workforce Singapore

Appreciative thanks to EXCO, members, partners and presenters for spending the afternoon sharing and bonding with us over refreshment; contributing to the fruitful session!